About Me

New Zealand
I used to be thin. I used to like my body. Not anymore. Emily. 18. I live to dance. Currently in New Zealand but planning on getting out shortly. Come join me on my journey to perfection. CW: 116 HW: 124 LW: 108 GW 1: 110 GW 2: 105 GW 3: 100 UGW: 95... for now.

Thursday, September 9, 2010

It's all in the power of postive thinking

Fucked up again.
I know BIG surprise.

But starting now, for 48 hours i will liquid fast. It will happen this time.

But anyway, I have made up some new rules for my life (cheesy i know). I'm just hoping that they will help me to get back to where i was this time last year. I was at my lowest weight.

I will keep following these for 21 days and i shall see how it goes.
- No eating after 8pm. No exceptions
- 2L of water everyday
- at least 30 minutes of exercise everyday
- Only eat around people
- Eat only if hungry of forced
- Do not spend any money on food when out, that's what your parents are for
- No more purging. My throat is feeling like shit and i dont want to ruin my teeth. It may feel like an easy way out, but you wont get thin doing it. IT WON'T WORK.


I will be bikini worthy this year. No more trying so hard to lose weight durning summer. The fat will be gone before summer. This time it will work. I have 20 days to get down to 110. I can do it. It's all in the power of postive thinking.
If my posting gets a little non-existiant it's because im doing my mock exams at school at the moment. Im in my final year at school and they are kind of imporant and i need to do good.

Stay Strong, Stay Thin.


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